Saturday, October 20, 2012

10/19/2012 - Back Notes

From Drop Box
When I arrived at Chatham today to pick up Finn, his class was playing a game called Back Notes and it was Finn's turn. He was up at the front of the class with a little note taped onto his back with a word and a picture on it. He showed the class what he had on his back and then he chose classmates to give him clues as to what the picture and word was. It was such a cute and fun little game. We decided to play it at home with papa, Finn and I. This is what Finn drew and put on Papa's back. Here are the clues. 1) It has long hair. 2) it has a hairy chin. 3) It sometimes comes out a Halloween. Any guesses? It's the most awesome Werewolf Ever!!!

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