Friday, February 1, 2013

1/31/2013 - N & G

From Drop Box
We have been so lucky to have Nana & Gramps helping out for the past few weeks. They took the kids on fun outings to the Zoo and the Lawrence Hall of Science. They took care of pick ups and drop offs. They gave Jesse and I a date night out. They made delicious food for us. Tonight we had our parting meal and then dropped them at the airport. We were sad to part, but at some point we all have to head back to our normal lives. Millions of thanks go to them for all of their help and love!

1 comment:

  1. We are having such a great time reviewing our memories of our trip -- making jokes and taking treks for croissants with Finn, singing "baila baila with Liam, trekking to the park or to the pastry shop for croissants. Thanks for sharing your lovely family with us!
