Thursday, May 2, 2013

5/1/2013 - May Day

From Drop Box
It was a special special day. Finn had his Kinderview at Sequioa. The school basically does a short quick assessment of where your child stands in terms of academics and social behavior. The parents get a chance to chat with the principal and get some basic Kindergarten questions answered. We took Finny to ice cream afterwards, right before picking up his bro at school. Then, since we all were home early, headed down to Alameda for an early dinner and quick jaunt over to the beach. It was a lovely way to start off May. Spring has sprung and things are changing. Getting both excited and anxious for Finn's transition to Kindergarten.

1 comment:

  1. I know the unknown is a little scarey, but I also know that you and Jess will love the sense of community that you'll come to have with and contribute to the new school, new kids, and new parents that you'll meet. I'm so excited for all of you!
